Giorgio Piacenza

This will not be an essay with a clear-cut opinion from the beginning but an exploration of possibilities attempting to come up with an answer and a recommendation.


I asked (to two reasonable, well-informed persons close to me) the question if contact experiences and its information should be included in the government-related disclosure narratives. Both told me that it would NOT be a good idea.  And I understood their reasons why but - somehow - rebelled against them. One of them said that these contact experiences could add fear, confusion, and even insult, for instance, to billions of religious conservative people living outside the West. Since the news come from the West, many opportunist leaders would take advantage to radicalize their polities as a new evil trying to subvert their own cultures. The other person said that, there would not be a way to prove with solid evidence the claims of contactees speaking about far-our multidimensional realities and (sentiment and faith-based) spiritual messages and that this would make Disclosure less credible.

But don’t we live in the “age of the impossible” as Caroline Myss (best-selling author and well-known teacher in the fields of consciousness, spirituality, mysticism, energy medicine) explains in this YouTube video?  Aren’t we being forced to face what was consider “impossible” and isn’t this be necessary to leave our complacency behind?

And, aren’t we in an urgent, dire need to change how we relate with each other and with life by expanding how much of reality we are willing to embrace? Can the latter only be done under the umbrella of an existential “threat”?  Doesn’t the UFO or UAP phenomenon itself point towards having to accept the “impossible”? The question is whether we can do it on a global scale, turning it into a life-enhancing experience.

A Complicated Situation

Then again, will some of the popular messages distilled from some genuine (and invented) contact experiencers increase our “business-as-usual” “us vs them” interpretations of life? Well, if there indeed are other more powerful beings taking what they need from us, then they would not be too different from how we behave with nature and less powerful beings and (if that is prevalent among the Non-Human Intelligences (NHI) interacting on Earth (whether interdimensional or not) they would not be much of an incentive for us to change towards a “love & light” future. But if similar, manipulative beings survived past our current stage of technological development (perhaps by organizing under complete surveillance and control), then the case can be made that we could also survive in spite of us.

But, is the “manipulative alien” assessment the actual dominant situation in the human / NHI relationship or is it the result of an excessive human focus on the negative, an overstatement based upon our own oversimplifying, tribal, dichotomous tendencies by which we dismiss benign accounts and focus on threat? Moreover, if the latter were the case, is our human nature flexible enough to appease those divisive, fear-related tendencies in the name of a more balanced truth under which we can create more adaptive cultures as a species? Our fixed tendencies also seem to be ethnocentric. Oftentimes, non-contacted tribes attack foreigners into their territory even if they come in peace offering gifts.  Thus, behaving differently would require a mix of an exquisite education, social support and, likely, social control.

I remember meeting in 2014 a long-time civilian employee at the Peruvian Air Force department researching Anomalous Aero Phenomena. His opinion was valued to enlightened me and he was of the typical opinion that, if the general population was officially told that there indeed were advanced non-human intelligences moving about and doing their thing all over the world without any of us being able to do anything about it, the stock market would crash, governments would lose standing, and religions would be undermined. My response at the time was, “good that would force us to change!”   But, was I right? Later, in a conference held by the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU) in 2022, I heard social scientist Alexander Wendt suggest that modern society would devolve into chaos and collapse with an existential threat because it was based on anthropocentrism or in assuming that Man (meaning homo sapiens) is the most advanced, intelligent creature on the planet. At that time, I also rejected the concept and retorted “what if we expand the concept of ‘Man’ to include all self-aware, rational beings and, therefore, extend it to the extraterrestrials? Otherwise, I said, wouldn’t we be promoting a possible end of humanity by promoting transparency on the UFO issue?

Most contacts with NHI have been small scale, taking place at a personal level and involving telepathy which is experienced like a fusion of beings, their feelings, thoughts, and energies. Sometimes extensive information has been transmitted and sometimes not. Some contacts have been loving, inspiring, wonderful and others have remained in the realm of the bizarre, unclear, fear-producing, events. Yet, still others could be said to have been in-between and, of course personal interpretation is involved. What is true for some experiencers (abductees and contactees) may not be for others. Moreover, the non-human entities involved may treat us or appear to treat us (at least in the initial stages of contact) as we treat less intelligent animals or – in other cases - as well-respected, even beloved, equals. Furthermore, personal assessments based on the feelings and treatment associated with repeated contacts is what usually defines whether to trust or not what these entities are transmitting to us. The question is whether such ambiguity would ad greater confusion to the Disclosure process or must be included because – whether we like it or not – to continue existing, humanity needs to know and assess for itself who we are dealing with. In other words, it would not be enough to leave it up to “the government” to decide what to tell us and how to focus its meaning, perhaps swaying most of the ‘public’ in one way or another since the mass media seems to simply retransmit any official words. 

To consider if it would be constructive to include contact experiences in the official Disclosure process, we need to understand if what has been usually limited to a small percentage of individuals can be understood by most of the world population, including dogmatic conservatives in all countries. Besides the idea of more technologically advanced beings, is the world ready for telepathy, reincarnation, a type of holistic, universalist spirituality, multiple dimensions of reality, and portals? If this were so, why are non-human vehicles collaborating with the “drip drip” recognition of their presence, still until today sparsely appearing here and there without any definitive, public, “smoking gun” confirmation? Aren’t the intelligences behind the craft also weary of providing too much evidence, too soon? And why would they often prefer to contact non-highly influential individuals that will normally only reach out to a small “converted choir” while any socially encumbered contactee may still fearfully avoid speaking in public?

Since the 1970s, I have been close to benign contact experiences associated with different groups and friends and always assumed that it would be best for humanity to have access to this information. In fact, the idea to share with whomever wanted to know was an integral part of the groups that formed, much like the contactees of the 1950s and the Mission Rahma contacts in Latin America.  But this would include alternative histories of humanity in the cosmos, what our greater potentials as a species are, God’s plan for humanity, what is expected of us in the cosmos, and so on which, inevitably, delves into alternative forms of universalist, esoteric spiritualities, psychic development practices, claims of universal principles that can serve to unite humanity. Or issues of a multidimensional universe, its metaphysics, masters of wisdom or of the “White Brotherhood” closely working with (often human-looking) extraterrestrial groups; a deeper, creational science and a personal sense that many (or at least some) advanced intelligences are associated with the energy of Love. But these are personal, feelings-based realizations and – often – those involved do not favor methodical doubt or analytical thinking. So, even if there is the possibility of establishing evidence-based contact with these benign beings, are we to share these things in an official Disclosure process (perhaps to establish further contact and to get to know about our galactic family in positive terms) or doing so will torpedo the Disclosure process by sounding too airy fairy to most materially realistic individuals, including those engaging in geopolitics under the “Real Politik?” Is this why we should perhaps only speak about a “mysterious presence” a “potential threat” or situate it in terms of abductees and abductions which are more acceptable to ‘serious thinkers’ than anything having to do with benevolent “space brothers?”

Thus far, whether true or not, these types of messages related to genuine contact experiences have been relegated to a few individuals and those wanting to listen to them. They have not been taken seriously by traditional thinking people that may or may not find a way to integrate them in their cultures. It may be a matter of ‘resonance’ by which some people are attracted and find great value and meaning in them. But – even if the messages were important and true – when could they be openly shared by a government-level Disclosure process without causing harm to the disclosure cause? In other words, without people finding them laughable/dismissible or offensive. And could they trigger ultra conservative religious backlashes in a percentage of the population around the world?  

Then again, not all seems to be benign or “love & light” regarding the who is who among the NHI. Despite surveys like the FREE Experiencer Survey of a few thousand respondents (presented in the book “Beyond UFOs”) in which most contact experiencers appear to have positive transformational outcomes and are not considered “evil” or “negative” there still are many alleged accounts of complicated semiofficial dealings with some grays and reptilian beings in unacknowledged (and likely illegal) underground bases. If these also are genuine accounts and some of the NHI are “intruders” and “manipulators” and not just “helpers” and “observers” (as described in the original typology of extraterrestrials found in Exopolitics Institute) is society ready for this type of Disclosure?  

And what if enough representatives from the “real Government” had (since the 1950s) de facto renounced managing the need to deal with the NHI issue; renounced to do what was necessary to truly understand the NHI presence under the need to obtain NHI-related technologies to counteract some genuine threats, making deals with some NHI to allow a limited number of abductions while being forced to (illegally) hide some projects inside corporations? Some of the individuals doing this (perhaps to defend the country or in combination of greedy and authoritarian purposes) would have become ‘contactees’ themselves, perhaps working with some types of NHI (enemies of seriously anti human types of NHI) and they would have, for instance, be been seen during MILAB (Military Abduction) experiences. Would American society be ready to face the truth? And what would the rest of the world think?

Is a Shift in Human Nature Necessary and/or Possible?

Various concepts about a significant human transformation have been raised during abductions, during channeling NHI, and during classical contactee experiences. The expectation of a wiser, more spiritual, interdimensionally aware and capable, psychic, “cosmic” human being has been raised, sometime occurring via genetic enhancement and in sometimes via a willing consciousness-based process, perhaps to incorporate higher-dimensional energies coming in from the universe.  The need to learn to think and exist differently, in fact, beyond limited, dualistic forms of thinking has also been raised under the same circumstances. For some, radically better worldwide education along with the disclosure of a more expansive reality and non-polluting zero-point energy technologies is the key to success. For others it will depend of the greatest shift when a remanent of humans in a devastated planet is forced to change under the direst circumstances.  However, in the mix of possibilities there also are more moderate visions of adaptation to a future of “open skies” in which NHI and our relationship with them is more open accepted and engaged in.

But whichever manner we persist into the future, we will have to acknowledge that “they’ have bases and activities in what we used to consider “our” planet and some manner of “legal rights” would have to be granted. Again, the latter would require a major shift in the way we do things now.

Some contactee messages tell us that that 4D and 5D NHI (sometimes meaning 4th and 5th density physical beings) still preserve levels of conflict among each other. Some prominent commentators in the UFO community emphasize negative accounts or interpretations and some others the positive. Oftentimes, some of them seem to be presenting Star Wars-like sagas that are also attractive to large segments of people that care about these subjects. So, how are we going to sort out and make sense of it all?

Other contactee messages tell us that NHI coming to Earth (or even those living among us in subterraneous facilities) have already surpassed simplistic dualistic thinking so that, to relate with them in a more intelligent and constructive manner we would need to evolve or ‘grow up’ which, in the case of the New Paradigm Institute, it would be about learning to live under a more inclusive, holistic worldview (rather than shift in human nature itself). I believe that we do not need to pick and choose among contactee, abductee or experiencer accounts. We need to carefully study, compare, assign degrees of credibility, seek evidence of contact, corroboration; what stories repeat themselves, which ones are more probable. And we need to seek contact or interact with entities willing to make contact (respectfully) through more evidence-based contactees. We need to interact with NHI willing to provide evidence.

But, realistically-speaking, look at the world right now in 2023. Do we need to be controlled if we obtain advanced knowledge and technology or can we be trusted by those NHI inclined to love and respect humankind? Why don’t they contact us more openly? Are they trying to avoid our dependency on them providing all the answers? Is a higher understanding required for a fruitful exchange only limited to a small segment of the population that, nonetheless, typically, has no political power? Will the rest of humanity only think about NHI in terms of what they can personally get to acquire more power?

Nonetheless, even if our prospects for seeking accurate comprehensive understanding and relating adequately are currently dim, one can build a case that Disclosure of the NHI presence is necessary not only for humanity to evolve but for Democracy to be saved.

I have also written before that we need to learn about the connected nature of reality and that accepting that civilizations that overcome the limitations of spacetime do exist and are among us will help us with this understanding. This will help us to evolve our cultures and perhaps help us avoid destroying ourselves.  I still maintain that that Disclosure is necessary mainly because we will realize that there is a more intelligent way of living based in meaningful relationship and responsible connection. Expanding our scientific understanding to explain how NHI move about will also direct our attention to the universe is meaningfully connected at multiple levels.   

We also need to see ourselves differently and comparing ourselves with the perspective of more advanced beings functioning in a more comprehensive system could prompt us to do that. And, from the standpoint of the NHI and more advanced entities channeled in the New Age and other alternative spiritual communities, first and foremost, we need to know who we are to wake up from the selfish, fear-based, separation-based, animalistic, materialist “trance” under which we organize our world with too much exploiting, competing, and threatening.  And, once again, much of this necessary “waking up” would relate to learning who we also are in relation to a vaster cosmic community of diverse beings that – apparently – have been with us (as we may have at times more consciously be with them) from the beginning.

Therefore, for various reasons, if we are capable of understanding ourselves differently and changing our course (in spite of the current state of our human nature) we need a more comprehensive type of Disclosure, one that involves growing in awareness by recuperating a vaster knowledge and relationship with those ‘others’ that may in some ways always been ‘us’ or part of ‘us’.

If contactee information is included there will be all kinds of problems, possible risks, chaos, credibility, instability, and otherwise. But if it is totally ignored, we may not have enough motivating information to collectively catalyze a fundamental reassessment of our premises and beliefs and so stubbornly continue in the direction we are going and end up as a failed species. So, besides considering many dark aspects in relation to full Disclosure, how unbelievable these things are, or even how shocking and offensive they could be for some cultural sensitivities, incorporating contactee information in an official Disclosure Process may have to be done carefully and step by step.    

The Recommendation

So, how should the Government do it? I believe that a formal, all-inclusive, comparative study of the contact experience should be undertook; finding recurring patterns, classifying cases according to degrees of evidence; considering contradictions, who is receiving and re-transmitting the message; what predictions were made that came to pass or not; bringing to the fore for further analysis what has already been assessed inside intelligence agencies and whether it matches the information shared by particular contactees, etc.

Because we (sooner than later) need to know who we are and who we are dealing with, why varieties of NHI behave as they do, what our human history and original purpose might have been in the eyes of a cosmic community, whether there are deceiving NHI and who our friends and allies might be; because we need to reassess who we are and get a more accurate picture of the nature of reality in order not to destroy nature’s harmony, a study like this should be added as an integral part of national security concerns in any future NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) in the U.S.

Society needs a truly comprehensive picture and should not just be given mono dimensionally focused guidance, limited to potential threats or harm done to experiencers or contactees.

Therefore, I believe that a serious study of alleged and/or real interactions between humans and NHI including possible information obtained should be officially undertaken. It would not only be useful to promote long-term cultural evolution worldwide but to get a clearer idea about what exopolitical decisions could be wiser. Moreover, this study could and should be assisted by broad-minded, balanced, analytical, and well-informed individuals. I also believe that the study should be situated in-between excessively inclusive, wide-eyed, gullible open-mindedness and an excessively skeptical mindset only accepting very limited information content. Furthermore, with the help of AI, old books of contactee and abductee accounts, surveys, recorded testimonies, verified human-UAP and human-NHI interactions, remote viewing, CE-5, mediumship, and channeling material should be assessed. This should include any records of interactions (and current interactions) with NHI within the military, intelligence agencies, and corporate partners and legal or illegal unacknowledged special access projects (USAPS). And the “legitimate” elected, constitutional Government should also attempt to understand this information and even establish a project to communicate/interact with NHI.        

Accordingly, by starting with a serious, comprehensive, formal study of contact experiences and conversations with NHI, the issue would be more gradually introduced to the public and to the academic and religious communities in a credible way. We would get a clearer picture of what is possibly ‘out there’, how other civilizations organize themselves, and what may be possible for us. Throngs of people would not be hit at once by a single shocking set of revelations that contradicts their beliefs but will have more time to get used to the new concepts. Other countries around the world and the United Nations would join producing their own research concerning everyone in the world. An increasing number of people would be motivated to rethink who we are as a species discarding, adapting, complementing, and expanding their worldviews, premises, belief systems.

Thus, the answer I’m giving to the original question is “yes, I think that contactee information should be included in government-related disclosure narratives.” In a way we need shocking new information to come out of our complacency but it should be done in a way that allows some time for adaptation. So, I recommend that this should be started as a formal and very comprehensive study to assess the validity of an assortment of information.