Manuel Lamiroy

This set of Ask the Panel articles has to do with orbs. We have two experiencers who share their stories of interactions with orbs that appear to be non-human intelligences.

But let us first kick off with a more general introduction to the topic of orbs. Ufologists have varying opinions about orbs. Some researchers believe that these orbs could be a type of advanced technology used by extraterrestrial beings. Some suggest that they could be related to more terrestrial phenomena, such as experimental military aircraft or advanced drone technology. Or they could be a natural phenomenon, such as dust particles or insects caught in the camera lens or reflections of light. Some ufologists suggest that orbs may be interdimensional beings or energy manifestations, while others view them as a paranormal or spiritual phenomenon.

In this article, we’ll discuss orbs as UFOs, orbs as camera artifacts, and orbs as a type of non-human intelligence.

 Orbs in stratosphere

Orbs as UFOs

As the recent example of an orb photographed over Mosul illustrated, there are orb-shaped UFOs. In fact, orb-shaped UFOs are among the most commonly reported types of unidentified flying objects. Witnesses have reported seeing spherical or circular objects of various sizes and colors, ranging from small white orbs to larger, pulsating orbs with multiple colors.

Apart from these orbs, there are also reports of "sentinel orbs" or "scout orbs". In some UFO sighting reports, witnesses mention seeing small orbs of light that appear to be accompanying or scouting around larger UFOs. These smaller orbs are sometimes described as being different in color or behavior than ordinary aircraft or weather phenomena. You may remember them from the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".

Orbs as Camera Artifacts

If orbs only appear in photographs and were not visible to the naked eye when the picture was taken, chances are you are dealing with a camera artifact.
There are several factors that can cause orbs to appear in photographs, including:

  1. Dust and debris: particles of dust and debris in the air can reflect the camera flash, creating orbs in the photograph.
  2. Lens flare: When the camera flash reflects off the lens elements or other reflective surfaces in the scene, it can create circular or spherical shapes in the photograph.
  3. Water droplets: Similarly, water droplets in the air, such as mist, rain, or snow, can also reflect the camera flash and create orbs.
  4. Insects: Flying insects, such as moths or flies, can also reflect the camera flash and create orbs in the photograph.
  5. Technical issues: Sometimes, technical issues with the camera or lens, such as reflections on the sensor or internal reflections within the lens, can also create orbs in the photograph.

Most orbs that only appear in photographs can be easily explained by one of the factors listed above. It's always a good idea to rule out these more mundane explanations, as the phenomenon of orbs appearing in photographs is a common occurrence. Often it can be attributed to particles of dust or drizzle in the air. When a camera's flash illuminates these particles, they reflect the light back towards the lens, creating a circular or spherical shape in the photograph.

The size of the orb can vary depending on the size of the particle and the distance between the particle and the lens. Smaller particles will create smaller orbs, while larger particles will create larger orbs.

Additionally, the shape of the orb may be affected by the angle of the camera lens and the position of the particle relative to the lens. If the particle is very close to the lens, it may appear more elongated, while particles further away may appear more spherical.

Orbs as a type of Non-Human Intelligence

And finally, we have orbs as a type of non-human intelligence. There are numerous reports of orbs appearing and interacting with people. The articles by our two guest panelists are clear examples of this.

Two of our regular panel members chime in as well.