The Extraterrestrial Presence – What Perspective to Take Before Disclosure
Are the extraterrestrials good or bad, shall we trust them, ignore them, avoid them or seek contact?
written by Nevenka Likar
The students of ufology and exopolitics, to whom the author and researcher Gerard Aartsen dedicated his latest book Before Disclosure, a primer to learn from about the basics regarding the extraterrestrial presence, are exposed to very different views on this very presence and, more generally, on our human condition, past, present and future. These views vary with regard to the intentions of the extraterrestrials who presumably seeded us on this planet, to the consequences of their ongoing interference with our evolution and the related perception of ourselves and of the reality as such, as well as with regard to the perception of where we are as a civilization and a planet and what we should focus on in these times of transition, with disclosure already happening not only through a global grassroots movement but also, in some form, through official levels finally realizing that a gradual unveiling of this long-hidden and manipulated truth will, due to so many parallel developments in our society pushing for it, soon become inevitable.
Putting aside the findings which have lead some researchers to conclusions that the intentions of the extraterrestrials are exploitative and manipulative, we remain with those who see their presence as positive, one in which we can maintain full confidence, follow their advice and upgrade our knowledge and awareness, to become receptive to new ways of looking at things and acting, a process which has already started with an ever-increasing number of humans becoming part of it. Such is also the stand of the author of the book, which is intended to be 'an elementary coursebook' of ufology and exopolitics - extraterrestrial politics toward humanity – for students who seek the truth about these issues. To find it, and for the false truths to be replaced by genuine ones, the following must be done.
We must untangle facts from speculation concerning the nature of extraterrestrial presence, realizing that the extraterrestrials are our space brothers, while other perceptions ensue from misleading information humanity has been exposed to, especially in the last 70 years; the material reality of their spececraft must be uncloaked, yet to understand this, our science must evolve and abandon its empirical research methods, so that the conclusions will reflect the true laws that govern our cosmic reality; next, our Earth-centered mentality must give way to acceptance of life on other planets through evolution of consciousness as a basis for evolution of knowledge; correctly understood must be the mission of the space brothers conveyed through direct and indirect contacts and intended to bring about awareness of six basic truths: life is a mysterious, non-accidental phenomenon, the underlying cause of evolution, experienced through consciousness, and those who have attained its higher levels – our great historical teachers and visitors from space – their terrestrial and extraterrestrial consciousness merging, becoming one - have already adopted the notion of life as universal, and consciousness as an ever-evolving and ever-expanding fabric that holds everything together. The awareness of life as being one on Earth and in the universe will eliminate divisions and help people, through a feeling of interconnectedness it generates, to raise confidence in each other and in themselves, develop dignity and empathy and altruism and create a society of peace, cooperation and prosperity.
Many researchers, experiencers and political, military and science insiders support the same perspective on the intentions of the extraterrestrials and on how we should work on ourselves before disclosure can happen, but many don't. So I wonder how much the assumed attitude depends on factual information they come across, on the direction they look for it, on their own experiences and on their own underlying mindset and emotional inclinations. In defense of positive thinking we must of course admit that our experience as humans of this earth has taught us to distrust, to fear being lied to, cheated or abused in one way or another, and has taught us to distrust the alien, the unknown. This atmosphere is now being maintained, whether justified ot not, and must to some extent be relativized by the researchers if they wish to conduct unbiased research.
It is awful, in the first place, that we do not to know who we really are, what our true human nature is. Is it only to blame ourselves as being either the perpetrators or the victims in the above mentioned situation, or has this atmosphere been created by and in the interest of some entities who control us?
Regardless, the smallest common denominator that unites all sides and is given great attention in Gerard Aartsen's book is the deficiency of our empirical science which up to recently hasn't used the tools to explore the cosmic reality in its totality. So it has taught us partial truths or untruths. What should be changed was included in the instructions that Daniel Fry received from his contacts in the 1950s: our scientific research should provide a bridge between science and religion, because the search for truth must include three principal branches: material, social, and spiritual. The same view is held by Steven M. Barr, professor of physics and astronomy also mentioned in the book, saying that 'there are, to put it simply, different ways of making sense of the world; the conflict between science and religion is a myth which only exists between religion and scientific materialism; even dogma is not a wall shutting off further thought; it is that the horizons are so vast and far away that we need to add some faith for them to open; our finite minds cannot give us a theory of everything'.
What comes to my mind is the film The Principle whose message was that the proper place of cosmic science is behind philosophy, logic and religion; it is not superior to them in terms of definiton of what truth is; the arbitray code that our scientists follow restricts them from investigating whether, for example, the human species is a creation or an accidental result of mechanical laws of physics; however, there exist subtle planes of reality to which all physical forms conform and the scientific training of the future and a new mode of civilization will increasingly be focused on these higher planes; so the science of cosmology should include these ideas into scientific conversation.
Where are we as a human species? I like it that the book inspires the vision of humans as an emancipated and sovereign race vis-a-vis the extraterrestrials, a position we can hold by assuming responsibility for ourselves and our fellow men as well as for the planet, individually and collectively. We must include the needs and desires, hopes and fears of other people into our decision-making , because they are almost identical, as the extraterrestrials are telling us and we know only too well if we tap into our true nature and get a glimpse of who we really are. But there is something weird about us: we are too humble and too conceited at the same time. Self-centered, with little self-confidence, the former probably the consequence of the latter. What are the underlying causes for this schism within, manifesting in various forms through our self-perception and behaviour? What is going on on this planet, this destructiveness that the extraterrestrials are trying to protect us from? Ger Groot, a Dutch professor of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture, says that the extraterrestrials see humanity as being at the crossroads, at the crucial stage of evolution, but their cosmic code obliges them to tread the thin line between non-interference and assistance, guiding us in subtle ways but also leaving us to our own devices at the same time.
George Adamski on what this subtle guidance may sometimes look like: a thought suddenly comes, of a universal nature, foreign to our normal thinking, and the solution of a problem is suddenly put before us. It's them, helping us to tune in to universal knowledge. They noticed how our identity with the divine has been lost and we became not truly human, separate entities. Yet imprisoned within our present habits is still the original soul yearning for expression, as Adamski beautifully says.
But what if we do have handlers? What if there is a programme running which maintains in us a state of dispair or something, out of which we wrongly use physical force, violence, to beat our way through the current period of disruption?
Namely, according to the conclusions drawn by more sceptical authors using their own criteria for evaluating evidence, it is possible that our human condition is a subtle form of enslavement and our self-perception the cosequence of what the author Gerard Aartsen rejects - thought manipulation. I think that a lack of respect towards other living beings and the planet, as well as all negative behaviour, basically shows that there is a lack of the necessary surplus of vital energy, which again we blame ourselves for, while it could be continuously taken away by, why not, a predator alien race. Ervin Laszlo, a Hungarian philosopher of science, says that we lack the will, because we don't have a vision yet. Why don't we have a vision? A vision emerges with inspiration, if there is enough vital energy available. The lack of it might be caused by artificially induced low frequencies on Earth, which manifests itself in the absence of a feeling of fulfilment, and our distorted judgement makes us believe that we can get whatever we miss in our lives from the others: by taking away their land, assets, money, knowledge, freedom, even allowing ourselves, on a mass scale, the ultimate form of energy theft which is taking other peoples' lives.
Usually the researchers and authors who share with the author this positive view of the extraterrestrials and their intentions - Steven Greer, Paola Harris, Robert Salas, Edgar Mitchell, Carl Sagan, Carol Rosin, Roberto Gonzales, Luis Fernando Martaens … - speak to us in terms of what we humans must still do to bring about a peaceful disclosure followed by respectful cooperation in the interests of both sides. But Rebecca Hardcastle goes one step forward, she believes that we humans have already crossed the rubicon: many of us already are exoconscious humans, familiar with a vast variety of intelligent beings, accepting a wide spectrum of diversity, including the invisible.
This is very good for us. Contactee Giorgio Dibitonto in Gerard's book tells us why: there exist higher dimensions which encompass a much greater richness of life realities; the higher the universe is, the more life force expresses itself in new, free forms and consciousness extends itself to a more comprehensive point of view.
Also Richard Dolan never omits to give some credit to humans: coexistence is here already; there is a presence; let us consider that actually we are penetrating their dimensions rather than they are penetrating ours; change came when elements appeared in our civilization, when we developed the ability to detect them; the people in power have been focusing to control human consciousness, but their tactics aren't working any more because we have reached a critical mass of those who are awake; the veil of control is visibly fading, falling away.
Rebecca Hardcastle: disclosure will not be an official, controlled world-wide event, a military-intelligence operation, or a Hollywood-scripted 'arrival'; the extraterrestrials have other plans; exo-conscious humans are emerging from a gradual, organic grassroots process of experiencing and integrating the extaterrestrial presence as peaceful; the peacemakers among us are those who were chosen for contact.
What appeals most to me in all Gerard Aartsen's books is the vision of our future society, the picture of what it is going to be like once we have internalized the overarching principle of the golden rule which embraces everything that has been said so far. This option transpires constantly through the pages, with practical examples, patterns of how our human society has already begun to reorganize itself in order to ensure progress and prosperity and inspiration for all. The systems scientist Peter Senge, for example, studying the human purpose and the field of the future, invites the leaders in business, education, and government to transform their institutions into agents of change and play a key role in solving global problems; he sees the institutions and corporations, nowadays affecting almost all life forms on this planet, as dynamic organisms with a potential to learn and evolve in the right direction if the people exert control over them. We must all have 'the courage to see freshly', to better understand how parts and wholes are interconnected.
It is of course not always them, the extraterrestrial influence, behind our progress in thinking and acting, behind our best choices, respectful of other people's needs and the needs of the planet. We ourselves, the majority of us, are not insensitive to what is right or wrong, good or bad, and we have acquired this discernment experiencing multiple life situations through many generations and incarnations.
Yet the truth is that we are not yet acting as one. There are several different scenarios that various service-to-self or service-to-other groups plan to implement to lead us towards their preferred version of the future. The people's critical faculties are not, according to Gerard Aartsen, always reliable, since decades of disinformation, especially regarding the extraterrestrial presence, have taken their toll.
The findings presented in this book are mainly based on almost identical experiences of the early contactees from the 1950s gathered across the world; they are aligned with ancient wisdom teachings, all religions and contemporary declarations of various human rights and similar documents. They fulfil the historical social, political and spiritual criteria supporting the right human relations and attitudes to other forms of life and the planet itself.
But there have been so many unpleasant experiences reported and because of their strangeness attributed to the extraterrestrials. Where is the proof that they are all staged by government agencies while the reported involvement of the extraterrestrials can only be the fruit of a breakaway imagination?
It is difficult to judge, because the researchers with opposing views also claim that their conclusions are based on qualitative research, obtained by synthesizing the findings and taking into consideration a whole set of criteria, historical, social, political and spiritual.
Both groups, not only Gerard Aartsen, say that 'truth is a matter of perception and perception a stage in conscious evolution'. So we are dealing with different stages in conscious evolution, where one experiencer says he or she was abducted, and the other that he or she was contacted, while the event itself might have been of the same nature? Paola Harris prefers the notion 'contacted' for all cases. Andrew Hennessey wouldn't agree, reproaching the exopolitics movement its 'broad and overarching refusal to acknowledge negative alien intervention', while' the benevolent alien which this movement is seeking is yet to be found'. This is not exactly so, though.
I accept the possibility that extraterrestrials with different moral values are interacting with humanity, while humans, depending on their own level of consciousness, connect with those they resonate with. There might exist a breakaway civilization using, let's say, jump rooms to Mars and other advanced space travel technology obtained in exchange for us, and on the other hand many humans who have already reached the point where dispensation may occur, the dimensions of higher worlds opening for them, because they are prepared. We will not and need not all enter the new age at the same time.
The book is said to be a primer for those who know nothing yet, but it seems to me that it was written for those who have already been following this research for some time, but who still don't get it! Still don't understand! I accept that I might be one of them.
Before Disclosure - Dispelling the Fog of Speculation
BGA Publications, 40 pages.
Free download: (PDF edition)
ISBN 978-90-815495-6-17 (print edition)